CLASS Department, Music Program,

and Technical Communication Donations

Your donations to the Department of Communication, Liberal Arts, and Social Sciences help keep music and the humanities strong at New Mexico Tech and the surrounding community.

There are three main ways to support our department -

  • Donations to the music and community outreach program go toward funding performances and master classes, purchasing and maintaining instruments, and supporting promising student musicians.
  • Donations to the technical communication program fund upgrades to our computer labs and equipment, conference travel for technical communication students, and scholarships for minority scholars.
  • Donations to the department help bring in engaging speakers (through the Memorial Lecture Fund), fund innovative programs (our STEAM Learning Community) and centers (the Writing and Oral Presentation Center),  or support faculty research (such as the Humanizing Technology project).

If there are other ways in which you would like to support our department, or if you would like to talk further about how your generous donations are to be used, please contact the Department at 575.835.5445.

Thank you for your support! 

Donation Information
$ 20.00
$ 50.00
$ 100.00
$ 250.00
$ 500.00
$ 1,000.00
$ 5,000.00
$ 10,000.00
Experiencing trouble acccessing the donation page? Your operating system and browser need to be upgraded to the latest version to ensure they are secure and compliant with industry-wide payment processing requirements. To make a donation now, please contact Advancement at (575) 835-5616.
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