Donate to the Physics Department

Thank you for your gift!

Gifts to the Department of Physics have a direct impact on the daily lives of students and are applied in a variety of ways, which you are free to select yourself, or let us choose. You can endow a scholarship and choose the criteria for the students to receive it (under-represented minorities, women in physics, students with an interest in alternative energy, it’s up to you). 

New Mexico Tech
 does not have the resources of the Ivy League, yet we do a great job of providing a strong education at a cost 1/10 of the Ivys. We can use help, however – if you have substantial means, remember, NOTHING has more impact than an endowed chair. 

Questions? Contact the New Mexico Tech Physics Department
at or (575) 835-5328.

Donation Information
$ 25.00
$ 50.00
$ 100.00
$ 250.00
$ 500.00
$ 1,000.00
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